Our Co-Founder Sandy Long has been selected as the first ever Artist-in-Residence at Shenandoah National Park. Her residency will occur, September 22 through October 3, 2014.

Sandy Long and her pal, Bu.
Shenandoah and Sandy
As most of you know, Sandy is a writer and photographer who focuses pen and lens on environmental, cultural and community issues of the Upper Delaware River region. Her love of this place, and dedication to capturing its wild wonders, have informed the possibilities for her residency, where she proposes a daily photographic interface with the wilderness of Shenandoah — from its grand landscapes and dreamy vistas, to its diverse wildlife, to its most delicate and sometimes unobserved notitia (those essential details at the heart of our place-based relationships).
We’ll share updates on Facebook & Twitter, and will keep you posted once she returns!
Browse and buy Sandy’s photos on her website.
[Photo © Heron’s Eye Communications]
Congratulations! What a fantastic opportunity! I look forward to seeing the wonderful images you’ll be capturing there.
Thanks, Brenda!
Very nice. Way-to-go!