Love for the Lackawaxen Earth Exchange

Heron’s Eye will host an Earth Exchange on Friday, June 20 at 6:00 pm. We will gather peacefully along the Lackawaxen River Towpath where the Tennessee Gas Pipeline crosses under the river. Our aim is to offer an act of beauty to this wounded place by creating a Radical Joy Bird out of natural materials found there.

Our event is part of the 5th annual Global Earth Exchange, which is a project of Radical Joy for Hard Times logo.Radical Joy for Hard Times, a non-profit group, founded by our friend Trebbe Johnson, that finds and makes beauty in wounded places.

When the Tennessee Gas Pipeline crossing of the Lackawaxen River in Lackawaxen, PA occurred in 2011, the right-of-way was widened and clearcut. The river experienced considerable disruption. While a small grove of trees has been planted on one bank, the other remains void of native vegetation and a visual scar reaches in both directions.We have always loved this special river and plan to offer a peaceful act of beauty and gratitude in its honor.

In the spirit of this year’s theme, “Every place on Earth, like every person, is a valued and beautiful part of the whole,” we invite you to join us and read a poem, share a memory or just be present, attentive and positive.

1 Comment
  1. Here are some photos of the Rad Joy Bird created during our 2014 Earth Exchange along the Lackawaxen River Towpath where the Tennessee Gas Pipeline crosses under the river –>